Sunday, December 18, 2016

Brain training sounds good, but it does not work!

According to the Georgia Tech Attention and Working Memory Lab, brain training tested in a well-controlled study provides no benefit to improving brain function and/or memory retention. Although disappointing, it helps to understand the two types of memory function and how we can cope with declining memory.

One is what is called “crystallized intelligence”, which is all the knowledge you have learned in school, job, or languages you speak.

The other is “fluid intelligence”, which is the biological side of intelligence. This will be your actions when you have not learned what to do and your ability to solve complex problems you have never faced using complex reasoning.

Unfortunately, “fluid intelligence” is heritable and biological and grows until around age 22 and then evens out until around age 40 and then drops like a rock. The theory is the myelin sheaths surrounding our neurons in the pre-frontal cortex start to deteriorate releasing chemicals to affect the surrounding neurons, which is also an underlying theory for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

“Crystallized intelligence” continues for the rest of your life and even at age 75 your vocabulary will be as high as it ever was, maybe higher.

But the real problem is as we age we lose our ability to focus or attempt attention control. This multitasking world is a myth. Not only have you lost most of your “Fluid intelligence”, but your ability to focus is diminished. Since “Fluid intelligence” is most correlated with short term memory control and has diminished so much, no one can multi-task or divide your attention effectively or efficiently. You can only handle one task at a time. No one has enough “fluid intelligence” that they can text and drive at the same time.

What do we do? Simple, aerobic exercise. Not weight lifting or calisthenics, but aerobic exercise. A 30-minute brisk walk daily will do the trick. Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain and there is also a gene called a “brain derived neurotropic factor” that leads to the formation of new blood cells.

So don’t think you are smarter and getting more accomplished by multi-tasking, you are just shifting your brief attention span around and more than likely screwing something up vs. concentrating on one task at a time and getting it right!

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Monday, December 12, 2016

The Season of giving “time” to the lonely

Studies have shown that nearly 25% of the US population consider themselves “lonely”. Contrary to what we would normally expect, loneliness covers all age groups where no age bracket is immune from feeling lonely.

Loneliness produces unpleasant and distressing feelings where severe and prolonged exposure can affect one’s mental state leading to depression or suicide. It normally occurs when your social network is deficient in either quality or quantity. It is a very subjective experience where you can be “alone without feeling lonely” or can be “alone in a crowd”

Your feelings can range from being anxious, unhappy, hostile, bored, empty, and restless. There are basically three main clusters of lonely people:

1-You feel isolated, different, unloved, inadequate, or friendless.

2-You have negative feelings of depression, sadness, anger, and paranoia.

3-You avoid social contacts and work long hours.

It is strange that the elevated loneliness levels were among the youngest and oldest adults. Late life can be explained by lower income levels, functional limitations and lower level of singles available. Universally, the quantity of relationships (social engagement, # friends, and contact frequency) was a major factor in all age groups.

So if the US has roughly 321 million people, then 25% would be 80 million “lonely” people. Maybe we should make adjustments for the under 10 years old group, but believe it or not, they can experience loneliness and isolation. Just look at the world refugee crisis now.

This Holiday Season would be a great time for all of us who have the means to give ourselves to helping the lonely with our time and concern. It would be a most welcome gift and one day we would appreciate the efforts when we are feeling lonely.

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Monday, December 5, 2016

Happiness = Giving

During this holiday season make yourself happy by giving to the less fortunate which is a researched and proven fact.

In the journal Science, social psychologist Liz Dunn demonstrates that people's sense of happiness is greater when they spend relatively more on others than on themselves. In one survey of over 600 U.S. citizens, the research found that spending money on others predicted greater happiness whereas spending money on oneself did not, no matter what the income levels. In other words, even those with little money reported greater happiness when their spending on others, relative to the self, was greater.

Dunn conducted another study which gave College students an envelope containing money and told them that they either (1) had to spend the money on themselves before 5 p.m. that day or (2) had to spend the money on someone else before 5 p.m. Those who gifted for others were happier than those who gifted for themselves.

"Happiness does not come from material things, but rather from a deep, genuine concern for others' happiness" -Dalai Lama

The economy is getting better, unemployment is down, and people are increasing their financial resources, so there should be more wealth and opportunity to give. Find a great cause that you like and start the process of giving. It will be a great feeling and put a smile on other’s faces.

Who ever said money can’t buy happiness?
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Monday, November 28, 2016

Relaxation Programs should be a part of your daily exercise!

Whether you have a severe case of stress or anxiety or you just feel fine, relaxation programs should be a part of your daily exercise routine. They are very inexpensive and have no risks or side effects. Relaxation can reduce or eliminate some of the medications you may be using and helps you to keep a positive mind/body connection.

There are many techniques to consider including:
-Progressive Muscle Relaxation
-Autogenic Training
-Self Hypnosis
-Yoga/Tai Chi
-Guided Imagery

These relaxation techniques benefit you by lowering your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and stress hormones. They will raise your blood flow in the major muscles and help relieve muscle pain/tension. The end benefit is improved mood, concentration and confidence.

What are you waiting for?

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Relaxation Programs should be a part of your daily exercise!

Whether you have a severe case of stress or anxiety or you just feel fine, relaxation programs should be a part of your daily exercise routine. They are very inexpensive and have no risks or side effects. Relaxation can reduce or eliminate some of the medications you may be using and helps you to keep a positive mind/body connection.

There are many techniques to consider including:
-Progressive Muscle Relaxation
-Autogenic Training
-Self Hypnosis
-Yoga/Tai Chi
-Guided Imagery

These relaxation techniques benefit you by lowering your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, and stress hormones. They will raise your blood flow in the major muscles and help relieve muscle pain/tension. The end benefit is improved mood, concentration and confidence.

What are you waiting for?

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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Stress Less® this Thanksgiving

Our annual holiday is upon us and millions of people are traveling by air, train, bus, and car to celebrate this festive occasion that can be wrought with the normal stress and conflict among families. This year’s election is an added time bomb for dissension.

Unfortunately, there are an estimated 26-45% of the US population who do not have family to celebrate with and suffer the indignities of loneliness and isolation which can lead to mental and physical issues. It is a sad state of affairs and needs our attention since our population is growing older and couples, friends, and family will be dying leaving the living sometimes in isolation.

Life can be unfair and one of the best ways to face the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday seasons are to count your blessings for the family and social network you do have and to continue to seek out more people connections. Be nice and polite even if you have to grit your teeth, because we are all social animals that need to belong and connect with other humans to live a positive life.

Live well, eat well, and be well with your network of family and friends. It is just plain good for your mental and physical health.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What is wrong with America and our weight?

You would think in the country with the best medical systems and information about good health that the majority of us would be sensitive about being obese.

The stats are telling: More than one-third (35.7 percent) of adults are considered to be obese. More than 1 in 20 (6.3 percent) have extreme obesity. Almost 3 in 4 men (74 percent) are considered to be overweight or obese. The prevalence of obesity is similar for both men and women (about 36 percent).

Surely, everyone has heard or read that obesity is not good for your heart and can lead to diabetes and other maladies.

The simple solution is to eat balanced and proportioned meals and engage in regular exercise. But, it appears this is not working and the motivation is lacking. You are ok with the status quo because it requires no discipline, until that heart attack or diabetes hits you, and if you are lucky to live, you will probably start a weight reduction program, but that could be short lived also.

It is depressing to walk down the street and see how many people are truly overweight/obese. They are literally signing their own bad health or death warrant that will cost more in time and money to correct, if possible.

Think about how good you will feel when you do something good for your body and mind with weight loss and exercise a daily part of your life. You can exercise and lose weight with discipline. Let’s get going for yourself and loved ones.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Angst

Here we are, 24 hours from a new United States president, and it seems everyone in the world is in angst of the most contentious mudslinging campaign in US history. It is downright embarrassing for US citizens who deserve better candidates to lead our nation.

Neither side can really “win” knowing that all semblance of maturity and decorum were tossed out the window two years ago when the campaigning began in earnest. The lies, scandals, name calling, and innuendo were like two prize fighters going the full 10 rounds trying to demolish their opponents. Yet from the voter’s viewpoint, it was like two criminals exposing their intimate personal details and hoping they came out slightly ahead of their opponent. Utterly disgusting and unwarranted.
One can only hope that this universally observed and condemned behavior will create a more conscious and civil political system that will work for the common good to achieve a fair and just governmental process/system.

Whoever wins will need to make their first priority a nation healing civility campaign and lead the charge for cooperation and compromise in the Senate and House. Nothing in this campaign has a place in future US politics. Both the Democratic and Republican parties need to set up decency standards for all their members and have strict rules of conduct to avoid this embarrassment again.

It has been an extraordinarily stressful and anxiety riddled campaign that we all wish had never happened and hopefully will never happen again. This will also come down to the electorate to insist on new rules of conduct in the election and campaigning process and to hold their respective parties “feet to the fire”. The US has created its own “black eye” in this fight and needs to get involved to make sure we raise the bar on election politics and “negative” campaigning.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Thinking is doing!

Although it may come as a surprise to you, you are the master of your universe that you elect to create by your thinking, Your thinking creates your feelings and your feelings create your life. Want to feel good and love your life-then start to think good thoughts and be positive.

Try this on for size. Visualize you are eating a fresh cut lime. Do you feel the sour taste in your mouth? Now, think about eating some sugar to dilute the sour taste. Feel the difference? The sugar taste will overtake the sour taste and change your feelings of sour vs. sweet. This can work on any issue you have and can always work in your favor if you think the right thoughts.

It is so simple it is a shame that the vast majority of people are not aware or just too lazy to learn how to control their thoughts and feelings. It will cost nothing and return significant dividends.
Start to control your life for the better and begin your own self improvement program by working on your positive thoughts which will begin to change how you feel and how you live your life.

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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Presidential Stress!

According to a recent Pew Research Poll, over 55% of the American Electorate are experiencing stress and anxiety about the upcoming Presidential Election, saying they were “disgusted”. Even worse, over 70% said Trump would make them nervous, if elected, and over 50% for Clinton.

My, what a lovely mess we have gotten ourselves in! It is hard to believe that with all the talented people we have in the US that Clinton and Trump are the best we can put forward for the next Presidency. And with these high numbers of disapproval, it only gets worse once the new President is in office.

So, the majority of us are going to be disappointed with whoever wins and if Trump gets in, watch out Military, because he could get us into to some serious trouble globally with his “off the cuff” remarks.

What are we supposed to do about this? Are we to live in constant stress and anxiety for the next four years? Do we now start our routine presidential stress management programs to help defend us and cope?

What we need to do is just be good Americans and “keep our cool”. Since we create our own stress with our thoughts, the best strategy is to “rethink” our feelings and just let them go. We will not help ourselves or others once the newly elected President takes office. We will not change anything once that happens.

However, it is imperative that each person support the candidate of their choice and to vote. Once that is done, our work should be devoted to finding  capable people to represent this great country.

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Presidential Stress!

According to a recent Pew Research Poll, over 55% of the American Electorate are experiencing stress and anxiety about the upcoming Presidential Election, saying they were “disgusted”. Even worse, over 70% said Trump would make them nervous, if elected, and over 50% for Clinton.

My what a mess we have gotten ourselves in! It is hard to believe that with all the talented people we have in the US that Clinton and Trump are the best we can put forward for the next Presidency. And with these high numbers of disapproval, it only gets worse once the new President is in office.

So, the majority of us are going to be disappointed with whoever wins and if Trump gets in, watch out Military, because he could get us into to some serious trouble globally with his “off the cuff” remarks.
What are we supposed to do about this? Are we to live in constant stress and anxiety for the next four years? Do we now start our routine presidential stress management programs to help defend us and cope?

What we need to do is just be good Americans and “keep our cool”. Since we create our own stress with our thoughts, the best strategy is to “rethink” our feelings and just let them go. We will not help ourselves or others once the newly elected President takes office. We will not change anything once that happens.

However, it is imperative that each person support the candidate of their choice and to vote. Once that is done, our work should be devoted to finding  capable people to represent this great country.

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Presidential Stress!

According to a recent Pew Research Poll, over 55% of the American Electorate are experiencing stress and anxiety about the upcoming Presidential Election, saying they were “disgusted”. Even worse, over 70% said Trump would make them nervous, if elected, and over 50% for Clinton.

My what a mess we have gotten ourselves in! It is hard to believe that with all the talented people we have in the US that Clinton and Trump are the best we can put forward for the next Presidency. And with these high numbers of disapproval, it only gets worse once the new President is in office.

So, the majority of us are going to be disappointed with whoever wins and if Trump gets in, watch out Military, because he could get us into to some serious trouble globally with his “off the cuff” remarks.
What are we supposed to do about this? Are we to live in constant stress and anxiety for the next four years? Do we now start our routine presidential stress management programs to help defend us and cope?

What we need to do is just be good Americans and “keep our cool”. Since we create our own stress with our thoughts, the best strategy is to “rethink” our feelings and just let them go. We will not help ourselves or others once the newly elected President takes office. We will not change anything once that happens.

However, it is imperative that each person support the candidate of their choice and to vote. Once that is done, our work should be devoted to finding  capable people to represent this great country.

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Monday, October 3, 2016

Laughter is free medicine-take it often!

Life events have you on the ropes? Then muster up a good laugh and you and your body will benefit immensely. Laughter will help your muscles relax, release endorphins (the feel good chemicals) which will help you feel better, and increase your immune cells for better anti-bodies warding off infection. At the same time, it will decrease your stress hormones. Add to that, it increases your oxygen rich air intake and aids your heart in better blood vessel flow.

For your mind, laughter helps you deal with life’s persistent challenges by giving you a better perspective and balance of the real situation. Laughing with others also helps build stronger bonds with your people connections and helps reduce negative emotions. Your mental weight or emotional state of mind will also be suspended.

All of this and more for free…what a bargain! Start on your path to more humor in your life with your gratitude for what you have and smile more by laughing at yourself. Try to be playful and seek out like- minded people and join their circle of friendship.

Ask yourself, is this situation really worth getting upset for you or someone else? Observe a few kids and you will see natural laughter at work. Don’t forget, you were a kid once and it helps to let your inner child come out and laugh with you. It is also contagious.

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Monday, September 26, 2016

More Self-Esteem for the Terrorists!

Self Esteem is your personal and emotional evaluation of yourself and can be very positive or negative. Research has suggested that self-esteem can influence academics, happiness, criminal behavior and satisfaction in marriage/relationships. Synonyms include self-regard, self-esteem, self-respect and self-integrity. There are three selves’: Social Self, Spiritual Self, and Material Self, with the Social Self coming closest to self-esteem by combining all characteristics recognized by others.

In the early 1970’s, it was posited that low self-esteem was the cause of societal problems. It is now estimated that terrorists have low self-esteem and join the Jihad to feel better about themselves with a since of mission and accomplishment (Not counting the promised virgins waiting for them in heaven!).

Maslow believed that psychological health requires a person to be loved, accepted and respected by others. People with high self-esteem have reported a closer correlation to happiness and seemingly live very positive lives.

So, if low self-esteem leads men and women to join a terrorist group and gladly take orders to kill others for martyrdom or there is just an “off balance” individual who takes it upon themselves to kill other humans, could we discover a way to interrupt this process in order to allow these soon to be murderers a way out? There are self-reporting self-esteem tests (Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale, Name Letter Test), but these probably are not at the top of the list for most folks, much less terrorists (We include all people who threaten to take someone else’s life as a terrorist, whether it is one or many lives.)

We believe that just about everyone thinks of these random acts of violence in our society and worries that no one is safe anymore, anywhere in the world. So, we have a “top of mind” fear of random attacks which may be more of a “self-esteem” issue than religious or philosophical.

Surely our new “socially connected world” can help us begin to uncover these “malcontents” that possibly could be stopped or reduced with a program that focuses on their self-esteem improvement. Sounds idyllic, but it might, just might have an impact.

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Sunday, September 4, 2016

Good and Bad Labor Day News!

The positive news on this annual US Holiday is that we have 2,900,000 more Americans working than 2 years ago and the unemployment rate has dropped 3.5% points to level out at 4.9% as of August 2016.

However, 36% of US workers still are suffering work stress related illnesses costing an estimated $40,000,000,000 in lost work day productivity. Work stress also plays a role in the 53% of workers who say they are “Unhappy” at their current job which could be supported by the fact that over 50% of workers have jobs at places that do not offer workplace health programs.

Whatever the reasons, there is a lot of needless stress being absorbed by US workers. As the economy improves, we do have more people working, but there are also more ill workers that need good health advice and support.

Hopefully, the proliferation of inexpensive “on-line” health promoting websites can absorb some of the need. And smaller companies, that traditionally do not provide health care insurance, will brainstorm ideas to help their workers deal with these challenges.

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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Fears and Phobias haunt us all!

 Around 5% of your  friends, family and associates (or you) are living in dreaded fear of persistent and irrational thoughts about specific objects or public embarrassment. This fear or phobia generally starts in childhood or after a traumatic event with the average age around 15-20 years old.

We all have fears, but they can turn into phobias when the fear is so great, along with the worrying, to make life miserable or render us unable to function.

There are over 530 listed phobias, which are a type of anxiety, and they can lead to panic attacks. Anxiety consumes 40,000.000 Americans daily and it takes many forms including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (COD); Panic Disorder (PD); Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD); Social Anxiety, and Phobias.

Phobias can be treated and can include psychotherapy and medication or both. In counseling or psychotherapy, the Cognitive Behavioral Technique (CBT) is very effective in dealing with phobias using Exposure techniques that gradually teach the sufferer to confront the issue.

Sometimes the fear or phobia leads to Agoraphobia, where the person perceives the environment to be unsafe with no easy way to get away.

Life is challenging enough without having to deal with a mental challenge that makes you afraid to leave the house or fearful of being ridiculed, which is strangely named- Catagelophobia (See Phobia List on the web).

CBT can be effective an effective self-management solution or if you feel overwhelmed and need help, please seek a professional to help you reduce your weight load. Many of the phobias can be managed after a few sessions of exposure, and like many things is life, others will need time.

“All we have to fear is fear itself!”-Franklin Roosevelt

Live Life to the fullest and learn how to Stress Less®.

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Monday, August 22, 2016

 It’s the Suicides Stupid!

The US has the unenviable position as the #1 country with the highest gun death per capita in the world.

However, 2/3 of those gun deaths are suicides that are mostly white males (85%) and older (50% men 45 years old or older). In 1999, 16,999 people committed suicide and 21,344 in 2014, a 24% increase.

The remaining 1/3 are mostly homicides with 50% of the victims being black young men. Women homicides are low and most are due to domestic violence.

The population continues to grow older with the baby boomers leading the way (born between 1946-1964). This aging population sector will grow 74% between 1990-2020 and they will procure guns legally and will not physically harm anyone but themselves and leave grief for family members and/or loved ones.

The reasons for this high suicide rate are many and would include satisfaction with life, financial issues, medical or mental issues, loneliness, and negative domestic environments, among others. Gun control is not the answer to suicide.

Unfortunately, our biggest challenge as a society is to find out what is really driving these suicides and to implement interventions in an effort to at least slow them down. If someone truly wants to commit suicide, there is probably little that can be done and in a way should be respected. They certainly have a right to die, if that is their will. However, we owe them at least a chance to see alternatives. There is also the issue of dying with dignity that should be considered as an alternative.

So, in the US, it is really not gun control or the terror groups or random killings that need our primary focus, it should be our parents, grandparents, and friends/associates who feel suicide is their last resort..

Source: CDC

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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Stressless or Stress Less?

What’s the difference? Absolutely nothing! They both mean the exact same thing, which is to “create less stress” in your life.
However, there are many products and services, along with supportive trademarks, for each of the names. This of course creates confusion among consumers, which is what the trademarks are designed to do in the first place. A trademark protects your mark from other people using it and the criteria for infringement is simply: “Is the name they are using likely to create confusion among consumers”?
There are different categories and classes where you can trademark a name which means that there can be more than one Stressless or Stress Less product/service trademarked as long as they are clearly in different categories/classes. For instance, there is the Ekornes Stressless trademark Registered in 1983 # 1224287 in classes IC 020. US 032. G & S for Furniture-Namely, Adjustable Chairs. Ekornes filed another modified registration in 1999 for trademark # 2251731  IC 020. US 002 013 022 025 032 050. G & S for furniture, sofas, chairs, easy chairs with footstool; [ mattresses; pillows; beds; bedboards ]. And in 2008, they received another modified registration # 2251731 in International Class IC020 US 002 013 022 025 032 050 G&S for Furniture, chairs, seats, recliner chairs with footstools in class IC035 US 100 101 102. G&S for Retail outlet and store services in the field of furniture and furnishings. Design plus words, letters, and/or numbers below:
26.05.21 - Triangles that are completely or partially shaded
26.05.25 - Triangles with one or more curved sides
26.05.28 - Miscellaneous designs with overall triangular shape; Triangular shape (miscellaneous overall shape) Ekornes is a publically listed Norwegian company with these US trademarks.

As an example for potential confusion is another Stressless trademark Registration #3867652 by an Italian company in Class  IC 044 US 100 101 G&S for Medical services, hygienic and beauty care for human beings.
There are others using a Stressless trademark name and also the name Stress Less, so you can see that even without a mark being in the same class or category, it can be confusing.
It is very frustrating for the respective trademark owners who have to keep constant vigilance for violators or those who infringe on their registered trademarks. Some will intentionally use existing trademarked names to capitalize on the brand equity already built up in the trademarked name. This usually results in a “cease and desist” request from the trademark owner to the infringer who may or may not cooperate. This then leads to legal action which can result in expensive out of pocket costs/damages for the violator and unfortunately, the trademark owner also.
There are  small business owners who use trademarked names without checking the readily available trademark registration history located on the United States Patent and Trademark Office website ( This, of course, is no excuse and the violator runs the risk of having to pay legal fees, damages, and loss of existing inventory of the product/services being sold if they use an already existing trademark name in their product/service category/class.
Stress Less, Inc. has owned over 14 U.S. trademarked products and services since 1995 which requires a lot of monitoring for violators. We have issued over 300 “Cease and Desist” letters and have had to take many to court without losing one case. Trademark protection is a necessary time consuming and costly
Exercise since the word Stressless and Stress Less are very popular and attractive names and the use or misuse by non-trademark holders keep the lawyers busy.

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Friday, August 12, 2016

Know, Love, and Be Yourself!

“He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.”-Lao Tzu

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”-Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Don't forget to love yourself”-Soren Kierkegaard

These 3 tenements of life advice have been handed down through the ages and are great wisdom for living your life fully and happily. If you can achieve these hallmarks, then your life will be inundated with positive and creative feelings where you begin to look outward vs. inward.

However, we spend too much of our life caught in the same vicious cycle of unsuccessfully trying to calm/delete our “demons”. Unfortunately, we normally end up using the “wrong” strategies, like alcohol, drugs, and or prescription medication vs. engaging in psychotherapy, counseling, or self-help programs.

We know that there is widespread mental pain being suffered by over 42,000,000 US individuals and only 10% seek and receive professional mental health treatment. So, 36,000,000 of you are needlessly still in great angst. 

The Self Help or Self Improvement business is growing and estimated to reach $16.1 Billion in sales in 2016. Although there is no definitive evidence that these work, it still gets you started with an attempt to resolve your issues and possibly move on to the more qualified mental health treatments.

Brain plasticity allows our brains to grow and heal until death. The brain is best expanded with learning and practicing new mind/body skills which help to rewire the neurons and synapses so you can eventually reach the desired “peace of mind” stage. This can be achieved by counseling/psychotherapy and/or self- help programs. Medications will work faster to help in severe depression/anxiety cases, but the combination of therapy and medication have the highest success rates overall. And psychotherapy can work alone and has been proven to beat medication only and it actually helps rewire your brain. Plus, it is permanent vs. some recidivism for medication alone.

Is seems like the time is now for you to “own up” to your issues and seek professional mental health treatment. You will then begin to know, love, and be yourself creating a whole new, wonderful world.

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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Anxiety-The Scourge of Society!

If you are or have been one of the 40,000.000 US Adults (18-54 years old) that have experienced Anxiety (NIMH), then you know what we are talking about. And believe us, we also have first-hand experience for decades and can speak from experience.

The ridiculousness of Anxiety is that only 10% of people receive effective help, which means that 36,000,000 people are having to go day to day dealing with its terrible symptoms.
The most common form is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) which consumes some 34% of sufferers. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 20%; Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 20%; Phobias 13%; and Panic Disorder 13%.

With these different manifestations, you could experience interruptions in your daily life; suffering and dysfunction; sleep problems (50% do); irrational fears; muscle tension; chronic indigestion; stage freight; self-consciousness; panic attacks; flashbacks; perfectionism; and self-doubt/second questioning. You may experience any number of the above symptoms which will make your life a “living hell”. Add to that that 90% are trying to deal with these symptoms without valid professional help, some for budget reasons and some from embarrassment or the “stigma” of it all.

Even with proper mental health treatment and medications, it can take decades before a person can regain their life back to live without debilitating anxiety. So there is no mystery why anxiety is the most common mental health issue accounting for nearly 1/3 of the $148,000,000,000 in US Annual Healthcare costs (The Economic Burden of Anxiety Disorders, a report commissioned by the ADAA). And the bad news is the incidence and hospitalization increases with age with the majority of known sufferers being women (it is fair to say that these numbers may be skewed since most men will not admit to any type of anxiety/mental health condition or seek help due to the social stigma or just being macho and deemed weak).

So what do we do now? It would seem that since there still is a very real social stigma to mental health and seeing mental health professionals, the on-line counselor sites (yes, we have one too) is a fantastic way for more people, particularly men, to seek help in the privacy of their own home. Medications are primarily prescribed by the Primary Care Doctors anyway, so you can get the proper combination of therapy and medication, as needed. More and More states are letting Psychologists prescribe medications and the word on the street is that most psychiatrists are just writing scripts and letting most of the patient volume go to the Psychologists.

No matter what you have or think you have, do yourself a favor and go see a mental health professional or on-line to discuss your options. It may take longer that you want, but it sure beats having to always be saddled with this tremendous burden that can ultimately be controlled and/or eliminated.

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