ChunDoSunBup Qi-Training
The reactions that people have to stressful events are not entirely out of their control. Stress management techniques can help people control how they respond to stressful events. Examples of stress management techniques include meditation, biofeedback, and Tai Chi. One technique that is less well-known is ChunDoSunBup (CDSB) Qi-training.
CDSB Qi-training is a traditional Korean practice that teaches people control over their mind and body. It involves three kinds of activities: sound exercise, motion, and meditation. Sound exercise teaches people to become serene, relax, and concentrate better. Motion enhances the immune system. Meditation assists with self-exploration and increases awareness of mental processes and bodily sensations.
Researchers at Wonkwang University in Korea recently reported the findings from a study assessing whether CDSB Qi-training is related to stress coping ability.
What was the research about?
Over 200 participants were recruited from the ChunDoSunBup Qi-training Centers in Korea. The participants were divided into four groups depending on whether they had 0, 1 to 4, 5 to 12, or over 13 months of training. Participants responded to a questionnaire measuring symptoms of stress, the extent to which they experienced stress responses like anxiety, depression, anger, and muscle tension.
The results showed that people who had more CDSB Qi-training had fewer symptoms of stress. They were better able to cope with stressful events.
Why should it matter to me?
CDSB Qi-training has less research to support its effectiveness than the more common stress management techniques do, but it may be a worth a try. In particular, people who have not had much luck with some of the more common stress management techniques may want to consider trying CDSB Qi-training.
Source: Lee, M. S, Ryu, H., & Chung, H.-T. (2000). Stress management by psychosomatic training: Effects of ChunDoSunBup Qi-training on symptoms of stress: A cross-sectional study. Stress Medicine, 16, 161-166.