It is downright annoying with all the so-called self-help gurus offering to sell you the next "secret" to life improvement- whether it be weight loss, peace of mind, financial rewards, stress reduction, better relationships, etc. We all know there are no "secrets" about anything. It just comes down to plain old common sense and "mind over matter."
The "secret" to weight loss has always been-take control of your mind and eat less and exercise more.
The "secret" to peace of mind is- take control of your mind and learn to meditate and practice mindfulness.
The "secret" to happiness is-take control of your mind and learn to love who you are and what makes you the happiest and just do it.
The "secret" to better relationships is-take control of your mind and learn how to defuse your ego
The "secret" to financial success is-take control of your mind and instill discipline.
All self help, which is 90% of all health improvement, boils down to personal discipline, self control and learning how to use the most powerful mechanism known to man-your mind. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people go through life listening to others or just cruising and never learn how to use this awesome device. They never take the initiative to learn how to program their greatest asset in life and therefore can never understand the absolute beauty,majesty, and power of mind control.
Think about it-You can lower blood pressure, improve immune system,generate body heat,lower breathing rate,heal wounds, increase immune system, and on and on. Monks have proven they can literally generate steam from wet towels placed on their backs in sub zero temperatures through meditation or mind control.
It just requires knowledge of the techniques, which are pretty much available anywhere on the web and a serious desire to learn and practice. Once you achieve control, you will be limitless!
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"It's amazing how good you can feel when your mind is in shape®"
Stress can be overwhelming at times and trust me I know all about it. I'm a mother of two, full-time student, and I am strggling with bills, bills, and more bills. Somedays I want to just throw in the towel but I can't because of my family and pride. What's a woman to do!!
I agree completely.What is the need for a third person to interfere when it comes to healing yourself?All you need to do is heal yourself...understand your own mind and let it calm and relax and face the facts.Eat healthy and exercise and not self pity.
I do agree the mind has everything to do with everything. We don't use it to heal ourselves because we are to busy remembering painful things,and forewarning our own actions, too keep us from some perilous fate. Like my daughter always says "live, laugh, love" I think we would all be a lot happier. (and healthier)
Good idea! I work tirelessly to help individuals beat emotional stress every single day, and you must have a well imagined way of realize success at controlling emotional stress.
Depression and Anxiety
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