Monday, December 21, 2020

 47% not satisfied with work!

A recent poll found that one half of all workers are not happy at their chosen field of work. This is disturbing news and underscores how work can be considered the number one stressor in people's lives. If you loved your work, you still are going to have stressful situations with people, deadlines, clients, etc. But, to go to work each day dreading the time you spend, it is no wonder it becomes even more stressful that it has to be.
You lack motivation, excitement for your tasks and co-workers, and are constantly thinking about how to move on to something better or the 'grass is greener' syndrome. Some people are never happy, but when you have one half of the working population saying they are not happy, then you have a lot of negative thinking going on which has to affect productivity.
So, how do we correct this societal problem? Part of the challenge is in the backgrounds of the workers. About 27% of people 25+years old hold a college degree or better. This means that nearly 75% of the working population have a high school diploma or less. This automatically categorizes most jobs into lower paying, low skilled labor positions which reduces the amount of control and creativity that can be used in the workforce.
Increasing education levels is one answer to the problem, but this is a slow build solution. On the job training and advanced educational opportunities is another on-going solution. Off shore manufacturing is taking away a lot of jobs and people are being forced to learn new skill sets or risk extinction. So, whether we like it or not, the labor force is going to have to advance educationally in order to survive in the rapid changes of our economy moving from manufacturing to service and higher levels of thought processing involved in the work. As this moves in this direction, people will hopefully start to connect their hearts with their brains and find work that likes them and they love going to each day. This is one way to start to reduce workplace stress.
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Monday, December 14, 2020

 The Secret of the Secrets!

It is downright annoying with all the so-called self-help gurus offering to sell you the next "secret" to life improvement- whether it be weight loss, peace of mind, financial rewards, stress reduction, better relationships, etc. We all know there are no "secrets" about anything. It just comes down to plain old common sense and "mind over matter."

The "secret" to weight loss has always been-take control of your mind and eat less and exercise more.

The "secret" to peace of mind is- take control of your mind and learn to meditate and practice mindfulness.

The "secret" to happiness is-take control of your mind and learn to love who you are and what makes you the happiest and just do it.

The "secret" to better relationships is-take control of your mind and learn how to defuse your ego

The "secret" to financial success is-take control of your mind and instill discipline.

All self help, which is 90% of all health improvement, boils down to personal discipline, self control and learning how to use the most powerful mechanism known to man-your mind. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people go through life listening to others or just cruising and never learn how to use this awesome device. They never take the initiative to learn how to program their greatest asset in life and therefore can never understand the absolute beauty, majesty, and power of mind control.

Think about it-You can lower blood pressure, improve immune system, generate body heat, lower breathing rate, heal wounds, increase immune system, and on and on. Monks have proven they can literally generate steam from wet towels placed on their backs in sub zero temperatures through meditation or mind control.
It just requires knowledge of the techniques, which are pretty much available anywhere on the web and a serious desire to learn and practice. Once you achieve control, you will be limitless!
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"It's amazing how good you can feel when your mind is in shape®"

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


New research confirms the demise of the old way of thinking, which was you lose your brain cells and mind expansion stops after time. Your brain and wiring are fixed. Not so.

'Brain plasticity' is the new mantra and it means your thoughts create new neuronal pathways to permanently change your mind. It is why psychotherapy works as well as drugs..they both change the way the chemicals and electricity flow in your mind, correcting 
flaws. Stress, anxiety, and depression can be treated by cognitive behavioral therapy which will help you change your thinking and the way your see and perceive your world.

It sounds easy and inexpensive and it is. However, it takes personal commitment to spend the time and energy to apply these techniques which fights the 'pill' mentality in our society. The unbelievable long term benefits that can be accured from learning relaxation techiques and meditation are immeasurable. Yet, people opt for either doing nothing or selecting poor choices to combat stress and anxiety.

What needs to be done to educate folks to the new way of living a greatly improved mental state of mind? Why is there such resistance? It really does not make sense when you have the power to control your thoughts and feelings to the better and you choose to feel bad or zone out on drugs.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2020


The "Fight or Flight" response was first proposed by Walter Cannon in 1929. It basically states that all animals, when confronted with a stressful situation, will either fight the proposed threat or flee. 

Unfortunately, human beings (we animals) have unwittingly continued to increase our own stressful environments via constant communication, population growth, environmental degradation, etc. We keep our minds in a constant "fight" posture that drains our physical and mental resources.

Western civilization, (that's us again), has also embedded in our way of thinking an aggressive stance to life or it's injustices, by always wanting "to fight" to solve the issue at hand. We "fight" cancer, zoning ordinances, sports contests, extradition, city/state/US laws, job titles, child custody, and on and on. Everything seems to be a battle and we are in a perpetual defensive or offensive position-
The "Battle of the Bands", "Battle of the sexes"etc.

In the early days of civilization, people could move away from stressful situations or other people without much fuss. However, with our overpopulated and totally wired earth, we now have the ability to see and talk to anyone anywhere in the world, whenever we like. This supposed improved communication network has drastically reduced our options for fleeing. Matter of fact a recent study stated that the average person checks their cellphones over 150 times per day and on vacations.

Is it any wonder that we all are facing increased levels of self imposed stress which has led to "heart disease" as the number one killer of both men and women. Neuroscience experts believe humans have reached the upper limits of future physical brain expansion in our skulls and we are running "21st" Century software that continues to increase the need for a bigger brain. Physics will tell you that this convergence will create even more serious mental/physical issues with the increased stress levels.

So what to do? First, step back and evaluate your daily life patterns and see if you can find time to "detach" from it all. Take your vacation time with no communication devices. Learn how to relax both mentally and physically. Take a walk. Devote one day for yourself and do not watch tv, listen to radio, or talk on the phone/read text messages. Unplug for one day and see how better you will feel. Make it a habit because we are all in the fourth quarter of life and we know we will lose this game. So, relax and have fun.

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Monday, November 23, 2020


Top 10 Stress Facts!

1. Everybody experiences stress.
2. Stress levels will vary by person and their individual interpretation of the particular stressor. Most stress is self-perpetuated by inappropriate behavior or lifestyle choices.
3. The more severe the stress event, the longer it will continue to cause stress and the more physical and psychological damage it will cause to the body (heart attack, high blood pressure, anxiety, etc).
4. Almost everyone will complain of stress and wear it as a "badge.
5. The overwhelming majority of people will do very little to actively manage or reduce their stress levels by using proven stress management programs or techniques because it involves time, effort, and continuous self-discipline. Behavior change is hard and takes time.
6. Most people will utilize "harmful", negative behaviors to combat their stress levels, which only compound the problem (drinking, smoking, drugs, etc.)
7. The majority of people suffering from severe and chronic stress will eventually end up in their primary care doctors' office/hospital to treat their real or perceived physical symptoms as a result of their avoidance of engaging positive and proven stress management techniques.
8. The saying that: "You can pay me now or pay me later" will apply to all who ignore treating their stress with proven stress management techniques.
9. There is not a recorded medical case in history where an individual was sent to a doctor's office because they lived a lifestyle of exercise, relaxation, proper diet and nutrition, and "mindful" living!
10. Your mind is the most powerful mechanism in the known universe and when you learn how to use it properly, it can be programmed for good health, positive living, and happiness!
If you are interested in the lowest cost, most productive way to reduce stress and increase your health and happiness, come see us at!
"It's amazing how good you can feel, when your mind is in shape®"

Monday, November 16, 2020


tress Less® Worldview

The world is actually changing right before our eyes and whether we like it or not, we both benefit and suffer at the same time!
We are all witnessing the first and only "coming together" of the global economic system where we can see on a daily basis the "cause and effects" of different countries/economies (European Union) and how these changes affects on our own lives and personal finances.
The "Globalization" of technologies that connect us like satellites, cables, wireless, internet, mobile phones etc. have created an instantaneous communication that was predicted and now is real and operating. Continents, countries, unions, republics, states, cities, towns, households, families, and individuals are now able to connect, communicate, trade, educate or negotiate in an instant.
On one level it is a marvelous feat of engineering to be able to connect to anyone in the world, anytime you choose. On the other level, it begins a period of "uncharted waters" where we try to sort out how this system will really work and what are the real affects it will have on our societies and personal lives.
Stress is basically described as your competence or level of control you feel that you have on your situation. When you lose this control, you experience various  degrees of stress. As an example, you have a checking account and have enough money in the bank to feel good. However, when that money is depleted and bills are still due, for any number of reasons, you begin to feel the stress. And as the money is reduced, your stress levels go up in proportion. If you have the ability to control the situation and replenish your account, you may go back to feeling less stress. However, when you have no ability to refurbish your bank account, you begin to experience chronic stress and this starts an internal release of hormones/chemicals that will eventually destroy your body and reduce your life span, unless you learn how to manage your stress levels.
Control is everything! However, now that the day-to-day level of control is being driven by the instantaneous worldwide system we have built, we are not sure of how we can control our levels of stress. In a split second, the floor can come out from  just a tiny event. A small, apparently insignificant, place in the world could affect each of us or maybe a select few. We have no control over this and it is exacerbated by everyone having exposure to this event and their potential reactions.
So, how can we solve this dilemma? First and foremost, understand your stress level and what causes them.
 Learn  different stress management techniques you can incorporate into your daily life (breathing, meditation, visualization ,relaxation, prayer etc.). Expand your worldview to incorporate our new global reality and that all people come from the same place, and most think similar thoughts and share the same emotional makeup and aspirations to succeed and be good in life.
Try to adopt a "healthy" lifestyle with a good combination of diet, exercise, sleep and relaxation.
And maybe most important, have a good basic level of "trusted and true" friends in a social network that you can talk to and socialize with. Have a "confidant" you can release your frustrations and feelings to and try to get a good "feedback" relationship where your trusted secrets are shared with each other or a group.
The world is moving fast and all we can do is just hang on and do our part to fit in without getting overwhelmed, because eventually "good will and fairness"  will overcome the "evil" in human affairs.
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Monday, November 9, 2020


Stress and the Familiarity of Support
Social support is only helpful from people you know

Researchers at Bowling Green State University recently published a pair of studies that clarify one of the circumstances in which social support is helpful for people in stressful situations. Their studies emphasize the importance of the people providing social support. The people providing social support in their studies were not people who knew the participants. They were complete strangers. 

Unlike other research, in which social support was provided by people who the participants knew or had a reasonable opportunity to get acquainted with, the presence of the other person either did not provide any stress relief.

Participants in the studies were asked to prepare and deliver a speech that they were told would be videotaped and evaluated by experts. Depending on the condition, another person was also in the room with the participants to evaluate. In some conditions, the other person also provided social support. Across all the conditions in both studies, the presence of the other person did not change the participants' bodily stress reactions (e.g., blood pressure, heart rate) or self-reported level of stress.

Evidently, for social support to be a source of stress relief, the people providing the support need to be people who are familiar to the person experiencing stress. In these studies, if the support from the other person actually did provide any benefit, it was probably covered up by the additional stress prompted by the other person's role as an evaluator.

Source: Anthony, J. L., & O'Brien, W. H. (1999). An evaluation of the impact of social support manipulations on cardiovascular reactivity to laboratory stressors. Behavioral Medicine, 25, 78-87.

Monday, November 2, 2020


This is what it is all about..learning how to use your mind to control your thoughts and your actions! Although things do and will happen to you, it is how your perceive those situations and adjust to them is what makes you successful.

Just think, if exercise were a pill, it would be the most prescribed pharmaceutical in the world!. We all know and understand the value of exercise for good health and prevention. It's just that the majority of people give it lip service and do nothing. Add to that the increased technology that gives us more time to sit and work/play on the computer and watch videos/TV, then it is easy to see how that two thirds of the US population is either overweight or obese from being sedentary.

Have you ever noticed the first thing the contestants say on "The Biggest Loser" TV show after they start to lose significant weight? Yep, it is how good they feel now. That is because they used their mind to convince themselves that they could lose the weight (financial incentives certainly help) and only because they devoted their willpower, did anything get accomplished.
We all have it sitting right between our ears. The most powerful machine in the world-your mind! If you can understand how it works and program your thoughts to achieve your goals and aspirations, then you will literally feel the power come to fruition and your life will change forever. It all rests with you.

One of the great all time advertising campaigns was for the United Negro College Fund with the theme line "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"! How true, not just for one race, but for all humanity. It really is a shame how many folks go to their graves either not knowing how to tap into this powerful force or refusing to put in the time and effort to program it. It truly becomes a total waste of potential and a fulfilled life.

Start to concentrate on yourself and training your mind for positive results and you will widen your worldview and benefit from all the wonderful beauty this world has to offer....and you will feel better as a result!

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"It's amazing how good you can feel when your mind is in shape"®

Monday, October 26, 2020


We all have it, some worse than others. It is really the number one stress issue among all mankind since it also is so closely tied to work.

Arguments with your significant other, children, friends, relatives, just name it and it happens. Why, because not only is money tied to personal value systems, but it is basic to survival. The stories that are out there due to the current crises is all too familiar and tragic. Some have come from basic greed, whether a lender or borrower. Some from ignorance, others from just bad timing or luck. But, we all suffer in one way or another.

The stress is constant and torturous which leads to chronic conditions like destroying body cells and lives. To a great degree, it is unavoidable and is just a fact we all have to deal with, whether you elect to or not. Those that recognize the condition and act, will come out ahead, not necessarily with the money problems solved, but with better health and clarity of thought. And in the end, that is really all that matters.

Listen to the victims of the California brush fires talk about losing everything and many without any insurance to cover their losses. The wise ones talk about " it was just a house and we still have each other" and "we are forced to start over and that has a certain ring or excitement to it". You may lose significant emotional items, but you never lose the memories, and without a clear mind and good health, what good are they anyway?

The majority of folks have no stress management plan and do not exercise, meditate, know how to relax, have a social network or give themselves to community projects. They will suffer the most. It is never too late to start and the sooner the better. Years of poor health and sedentary behavior can be overcome and quite frankly advance your biological system to survive years beyond it's current path of destruction. It just takes will power and commitment.

Why not change your life for the better and start your stress management program today. It will add years to your life and life to your years. You will not only feel better, but think better, and feel better about all the things and people around you.
Learn to forgive, pray, practice mindfulness, give daily thanks for all that you do have. Be glad that you are here and have a chance to get better and therefore make your life and those around you the better for it. The alternative currently is not very attractive!

Maybe it is a wake up call to all of us to just look what a great and fantastically complex human system we have that has evolved into the spiritual beings that we are. Once you break the cycle of your currently ill learned thought process and learn to see the world from a spiritual plane, then everything changes to wonder. You will not have enough time to enjoy all that life has to offer. So, make the effort, you will never be sorry and will stress less.

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Monday, October 19, 2020



A 1993 study by McGinnis and William Foege, M.D., published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), estimated that the most prominent contributors to mortality in the U.S. were, in order, tobacco, diet and activity patterns, alcohol, microbial agents, toxic agents, firearms, sexual behavior, motor vehicles and illicit drug use. The work presented in the 1993 article addressed these issues for Americans in all age groups, and was confined to mortality. Although the researchers noted the importance of socioeconomic factors such as poverty, access to medical care, and educational level, they restricted their analyses to those items for which there was a clear biological mechanism.

As they say, moderation is the key to a balanced and healthy life and will help add quality years to it also. Men live shorter than women because they tend to abuse smoking, drinking, and sedentary lifestyle more than women do. Some just shrug it off and say if they are going to die, then what I'm doing is just the way I want to go out. However, when that heart attack or diagnosis with the big "C" comes in, you can bet there attention is refocused on the here and now with many regrets for past sins.

So, if we know we abuse substances and it will lead to early death, then why don't we change and develop healthy lifestyles? One reason is that it takes effort, pain, and discipline vs. the eat, sleep, and watch TV syndrome. If I am OK now, and nothing is broken, then why fix it? It is the ability to understand delayed gratification that is at work. When you are exercising, eating right, and leading a stress free lifestyle, you feel good physically and mentally about yourself. You know it is helping your system work better and longer. But, the initial work and diligence to get into this lifestyle pattern takes commitment and hard work. Exactly what the average Joe wants to avoid at all costs.

Until the heart stops.

Let's rethink our current situation and commit to a "stress less lifestyle", devoted to proper exercise, diet and nutrition, spiritual connection, and mental control for meditation and relaxation. Your grand kids will appreciate your for it.

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Monday, October 12, 2020


Recession Stress!

Let's face it, we are all in the same sinking boat. But just like anything in life, some of us have more obstacles thrown our way than others. Wherever you fit, you are not alone, and nobody has a good idea how long this economic 'tidal wave' is going to continue. So, what are some positive ways you can deal with it?

The first thing to do is quantify your situation and make a realistic assessment of your personal financial balance sheet. This will tell you, in no uncertain terms, what you need to do to keep your assets from becoming liabilities. Develop a "bare bones" budget, trim the fat, and cut unnecessary expenses.

Secondly, face the situation with a determined attitude that you will do everything in your power to survive. If you think and believe you can, you will succeed. Be positive and accept the fact that although life is tough enough, this recession is going to be temporary and will require some added strength of will and perseverance to get through it. Know that everyone faces the same situation, to some degree, and we are all trying to make it through.

Third, wake up every day and set aside quiet time to pray and meditate on your game plan. Use Guided Imagery to visualize your planned outcome and see yourself actually there, functioning in your new environment. Change is guaranteed. Embrace the change and be a catalyst for it.

Try to sleep and exercise regularly. Socialize, talk to family and friends, go to a coffee shop or grocery store and chat with folks. They are as scared and uncertain as you, but everyone likes to have someone to socialize and talk with.

Fourth, limit your media exposure to just key information and don't dwell on the constant negative news, it just reinforces the bad aspects of the recession.

Dust off your old hobby and get involved in a new project or pull out the "to-do" list and make things happen around the house for improvements. This will help you with your confidence and provide satisfaction that you have completed a worthwhile project, plus it will lessen your load of things to do. This accomplishment will add confidence to your mental arsenal.

Volunteer to help others and offer whatever you can of yourself or your things, including money, if you can afford it. Giving feels good and helps others. There may be someone on another level that will help you where they can. It becomes a self fulfilling mechanism to circulate positive energy and underscores that, we as humans, need other people to exist.

Some people have lost their jobs, some their houses, and some both! Although this is tragic, it is not the end. Accept the losses as happenstance and don't blame yourself. What you don't want to do is lose your health, both mental or body. For without your health, you are unable to do anything about your circumstances. There is a reason airlines instruct adult passengers to be the first to put on and use the oxygen mask before the kids. Kids are incapable of doing this themselves and rely on the adults or the healthy ones to be able to breathe. When you are incapable to put on a mask, you might die, and the same can be said for being in good health to weather the recession storm. need your health to survive.

Understand that life is change and you are now experiencing fundamental societal and lifestyle changes that will probably be permanent. Adjust and keep flexible. It might be the best thing that ever happened to you when it is over.

Houses and jobs are replaceable... loved ones are not. Protect your family and work together to develop a plan that all understand their roles in making it happen. Communicate constantly, both the good and bad, so everyone knows where they and the group stands. Very important!

Your fear is based on what may have happened in the past or what you think the future holds for you. Live in the present and try to change what is in your world right now. Don't dwell on past failures or situations. They are history. The future is not here and it does no good to worry about it. Recognize you have a right and the capability to mold your future with your game plan. Make it happen!

Keep diligent. Don't give up. Think positive thoughts and give it your best effort. You will not be disappointed. The recession will end and you will be the better for it, after it is over, if you commit today to your plan.

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Monday, October 5, 2020


Cancer-Related Stress

Why unsupportive spouses promote stress in cancer patients
The relationships between cancer patients and their spouses are important. They play an important role in determining how well cancer patients adjust to the disease. When the spouse of a cancer patient engages in unsupportive behaviors, the patient experiences increased stress. Researchers at the Fox Chase Cancer Center and Research Analysis and Consultation recently reported the findings from a study aimed at finding out why.
What was the research about?
The participants in the study were 191 married cancer patients. They responded to questionnaires measuring the extent to which they perceived negative spousal behaviors, felt in control over their emotions and the course of the disease, used an avoidant style of coping (i.e., trying not to think about it and trying to avoid reminders of it), felt able to cope, and experienced stress.
The results showed that the using an avoidant style of coping and feeling unable to cope were two reasons why unsupportive spouses promoted stress in cancer patients.
Why should it matter to me?
First, people who are married to someone with cancer should try to be supportive. Second, cancer patients with unsupportive spouses should not use avoidant coping styles and should try to be more confident in their ability to cope. One option, for example, would be to learn more effective coping styles that they can be more confident in, such as finding social support from other sources like other family members, close friends, and support groups.
Source: Manne, S., & Glassman, M. (2000). Perceived control, coping efficacy, and avoidance coping as mediators between spouses' unsupportive behaviors and cancer patients' psychological distress. Health Psychology, 29, 155-164.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The recent APA "Stress Survey" told us what we already know:

-Roughly 75% of people accept stress as a fact of life, it can make you sick, and they are aware of strategies they can incorporate into their lives that will help them manage stress.

-An equal number experienced mental and physical symptoms in the last month as a result of stress.

-Most people attack stress with negative behaviors like smoking,drinking, or eating and sedentary reading or listening to music, although healthier, do not utilize the body's ability to burn off stress.

-The desire to "feel better" is the number one motivator for people to change, yet only 1/3 said they would "probably" change if confronted with a chronic condition as result of stress.

See for summary of the study.

Basically, what we have here is the number one contributor to people's health outcome being totally understood and recognized, but people are not willing to modify behavior, which takes effort and perseverance, to reduce and manage their stress to cure or prevent these inevitable problems from occurring.

Why is this? Probably because behavior change is so hard to do and bad behaviors are so easy, available, and relatively cheap. They help you escape and "feel good" temporarily. Exercising, eating right, and practising cognitive change and relaxation exercises takes too much time, effort, and has a delayed gratification effect. The "magic pill" does not exist and never will.
IBM just announced they will pay $150 to each of their 128,000 employees who sign up a child to take a 12 week on-line exercise/diet course. This is a "pain avoidance" strategy since they can save hundreds of millions in health insurance claims if these people change their behavior.

The future lies with the people who can make the tough transition to a regular stress management regimen. They will not only feel better, but will look better, and their bodies will last longer and function better.

When do we start? Come see us at

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Losses Increase Stress More Than Gains Reduce It

Evidently, losing something is more distressing than gaining something is relieving. A recent study by researchers from Kent State University, Akron City Hospital, and Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine investigated the impact of resource losses and gains in pregnant women. 

The study looked at gains and losses in terms of resources, which were defined as things that people value or that act as a way of obtaining what they value. The participants completed questionnaires during and after their pregnancy. 

The main finding was that postpartum anger and depression appeared to be influenced more by resource losses than they were by resource gains.

Source: Wells, J. D., Hobfoll, S. E., & Lavin, J. (1999). When it rains, it pours: The greater impact of resource loss compared to gain on psychological distress. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 1172-1182.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Meditation and Stress

Meditation training has been shown to reduce stress for secondary school teachers

Researchers from the Department of Psychiatry at Stanford University have recently published a study that demonstrates the effectiveness of meditation in reducing stress for secondary school teachers. Participants in the study were student teachers from a university teaching credential program. The participants learned the RISE program, which combines meditation and cognitive appraisal tools to produce deeper relaxation. Compared to a group of participants who did not learn the RISE program, the group of participants that did learn the RISE program had less symptoms of stress.

One part of the RISE program, meditation, involves focussing on a sound and passively disregarding distracting thoughts or sensations. While meditating, participants simply noted other thoughts or sensations when they arose and returned their attention right back to the sound. Mediation was carried out during times that were set aside by the participants specifically for that purpose.

Another part of the RISE program is cognitive appraisal tools. Cognitive appraisal is just a fancy term for how people think about or interpret things. Participants used three tools to help them make cognitive appraisals that help to reduce stress: silently repeating a certain word or phrase (a mantra), slowing down their actions, and focusing their attention on one thing at a time.

(If you are interested, Stress Less has several products to help you with meditation. Click on the following items for more information: Meditation Video, Mindfulness Meditation Program, Stress Less "Tranquil Meditation" Tape, Zabuton Mat, Zafu Pillow & Mat.)

Source: Winzelberg, A. J., & Luskin, F. M. (1999). The effect of a [sic] meditation training in stress levels in secondary school teachers. Stress Medicine, 15, 69-77.